Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/phpPaxZOh) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/users/nox/:/tmp/php/:/usr/share/pear/) in /home/users/nox/3dfx.cz/web/forum/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 192
zdravim nejde mi upload avataru[62x62 4kb]
to nahore je vypis z obrazovky kdyz se pokousim avatar nahrat[z pc]
mb asrock a75m amd x6 3670be 4gb ram ati 6530 ,hdd 1tbb sgt,zvuk creative x-fi extreme audio case z-7
Nahraj obrázek na nějaký hostingový server a vlož odkaz.
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Mě to pořád tvrdí, že obrázek není v .gif jpg a png.
Zkoušel jsem všechny formáty na různých serverech...vše menší než 100x100 a než 8kB a stále to samé
A to jsem na svůj avatar tak zvyklý
můžeš sem obrázek vložit, nebo na něj poslat odkaz?
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
ThinkPad R500: C2D T9950,2GB DDR3,X4500MHD,250GB HDD since 9/2009
Athlon XP 2000+, ECS K7VTA3,512MB RAM,Voodoo5 5500 AGP,20GB
Pentium Dual-Core E5200@3,6GHz,EP35-DS3L,7GB RAM,Radeon X1950XTX,Samsung F3 1TB S IQ 28 a se 150mm mackem proti lidské závisti nevystačíš ...