To je kurevsky velký Vždyť je to skoro tak velký, jako samotný Rampage čip?!
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
mně by zajímalo, co v tom čipu bylo nacpaný... TnL jednotka i vertex shadery zabíraly vždycky jen pár procent z plochy jádra a ne že by byly velký jako celý 2D/3D/video/řadič...
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz